الحب ليس امتلاكًا، بل حرية—أن تترك شخصًا يكون ذاته، يُمارِس حقيقته، وينمو، ويزدهر بينما تقف إلى جانبه خلال ذلك كلّه “Love isn’t possession. It’s freedom—letting someone be, grow, and flourish while standing by their side”
I belong to quick, futile moments of intense feeling. Yes, I belong to moments - not to people.
Remember, you are the artist of your own life. Don't hand the paintbrush to anyone else.
إمرأة يقطف الورد من قلبها . A woman picks roses from her heart.
حتى إنهم يغتابون هدوئك. They even gossip about your calmness.
لا أحب التساوي، أحب التميز . Don't like equality, I like excellence.
It's okay rest your soul No one deserves .
One day, you'll be at the place you always wanted to be.
- مهما تعثرت ما زالت الحَياة تُقدِّم فُرص، ومهما أخذت منك الحَياة فهي كُل يوم تعطيك أملًا جديدًا، ومهمَا خسرت وفشلت وحزنت وتعثرت، لا تيأس أبدً💪⚡️ No matter how much you stumble, life offers opportunities, no matter how much you take from you, you bring, no matter how much you lose, fail, grieve and stumble, never give up.
He gives me a rose, and he is the rose of my life 🩷 .
-من يحاول لأجلك يحبك💛🖇. Whoever tries for you loves you.
نظافة القلب نعمه من الله. A clean heart is a blessing from God.
لستُ الأفضل لكن لي أسلوبي. I'm not the best but I have my style.
ولو أحب إثنين أحبك أنت وعيونك🤍🤍 And if I love two, I love you and your eyes.
- Small circle , happy heart , clear mind , inner peace and private life .
let me drown in you until these falling stars are buried in the blur of time.
لا يناسبني أن أڪون إمرأة ضعيفة. It does not suit me as a weak woman.
الخسارة كانت وقت، مش أَشخاص. The loss was time, not people.
الحقيقه تجرح لكن الكذب يقتل يا صديقي. The truth hurts, but lying kills my friend.
it’s a story of sacrifice and betrayal, and of good people dying in stupid, pointless ways.
• Completely and perfectly incandescently happy . - Jane Austen
في النهاية ، ستكون بمفردك مرة أخرى بدموعك. in the end, you will be alone again with your tears.
فاقداً نفسي ، أتظنني أتأثر . Losing myself, do you think I'm affected?
طاغيّة الحسن، والعقْل، والذوق. tyrant of beauty, reason, and taste.
شعرتُ بما يكفي لأصبح بارد القلب. I felt enough to become cold-hearted.
دائرة صغيرة، حياة خاصة، عقل مطمئن . Small circle, private life, peaceful mind.
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony, and music inside me.
No surprise, no desire, no feeling.
أنا أستحق الأفضل وسأحصل علية. I deserve the best and I will get it.
You are not me and I am not you, but you and l are the same thing.
و أُضيء ، و إن تعبت طرقي. And I shine, even if my ways are tired.
I don't know what it is like to not have deep emotions.Even when I feel nothing, I feel it completely.
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything Imag else.
أنا أقوى من أن تكسرني الحياة. I am too strong for life to break me.
بعض الخسائر تجعلك أقوى. Some losses make you stronger.
لا ترضي بالقليل وانتِ كثيرة. Don't settle for little when you have a lot.
كم قمراً يشع من وجهِك حين تبتسمين 💓✨ How many moons shine from your face when you smile?
• And yet the only exciting life is the imaginary one . - Virginia Woolf
سر بمفردك ، الأخرون يعرقلون . Walk alone, others will hinder you.
How I delight in serene melancholy.