مسجات English

مسجات English

All the things we love will often be lost, But in the end love will return in another way.

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up.

I may not longer remember you, but you’re still here, in the feeling i get, when i feel I’m forgetting something.

I'm only human after all, don't put your blame on me

-كانت تحمل ضُمة ورد كانت وردة تحمل ورد 🌸 -It was carrying a roses that were a rose with a rose

- تملك قلبًا دافئ ونظرة رحبة . - You have a warm heart and a spacious look .

ثق بأنني لا أتعوض. Trust that I am irreplaceable.💙

I wanna be the only one on your mind.

أجده في روحي كأنما لا شيء بي إلا هو💛💐. I find it in my soul as if nothing is in me except him.

احياناً الناس يبقون في قلبك لكن ليس في حياتك Sometimes people stay in your heart, but not in your life

أيا ليتَ كلَّ الوجوهَ وجهُك يا قمري🤍🤍. I wish all the faces are your face, my moon.

Maybe This time In November With the beginnings of rain and winter We meet Under one sky.

- Others have nothing to do with your bad day. - لا علاقةَ للآخرين بيومكَ السيء 🖤.

It's great to be a person's security. -‏ عظيم أن تكون أماناً لشخص.

لستُ بحاجة لأرى أنا أشعر. I don't need to see, I feel.

كافح لتصل لما تريد Strive to get what you want.

The best gift and the most beautiful message.

- You will always be the corner I run to from all my pain. - ستكونينَ دائماً الزاوية التي أهربُ إليها من جميعِ آلامي 🖤.

- I love my smile under the influence of your messages. - أحبُ ابتسامتي تحتَ تأثيرِ رسائلك 🖤.

If we ever stop talking, and you don't know how to come back, send me a song.

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