مسجات English

مسجات English

لم أعُد لأحد بقيت ‌لنفسي. I no longer to anyone, I remain for myself.‌‌

- It's important to have someone who understands you without words. - من المهمِ أن تملكَ شخصاً يفهمكَ دونَ كلام 🤍.

first coffee, everything else later.

“The right person will hear you differently“

- مُزدانة بلُطفها ، مَزهوة بحُسنها . - Decorated with her kindness, proud of her beauty .

- ‏وَجهكِ الذي يغزو الخيال مجرَّة بعد مجرَّة . - Your face that invades the imagination, galaxy after galaxy .

- محاطة بالرقة والدلال والحب . - Surrounded by tenderness, pampering and love .

- أنا سَاطِعةٌ، للحد الذي لا يُرَى . - I am bright, to the extent that cannot be seen .

نظرات العيون مشاعر لا تتحدث. Looks eyes feelings do not speak.

قطعة سكر في مجتمع مر. A piece of sugar in a bitter society.

لا حياة بدُون سعي. There is no life without striving.

And if you choose to stay with me, I'll spend my life with you.

أمرأة تستنشق القوة. A woman who inhales strength.

مات شغف البدايات. The passion for beginnings has died.

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have find the ones worth suffering for.

نحن ننضُج بأشد الطرق. We mature in the toughest ways.

‏كنت هادئاً لكني لم أكن أعمى. I was calm but I was not blind.

- In this life a person needs no one other than God. - لا يحتاجُ المرءُ في هذهِ الحياة إلّا للهِ وحده 💙.

He says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars.

لستُ شخصاً مناسباً لأحد . Not a suitable person for anyone.

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