مثالاً لهم، لا مثلهم. An example for them, not like them.
i want a love like i have seen in the movies , that's why I'll never fall in love 🎀.
you still have the moon, sunsets, your favorite music, paper to write on, warm clothes, new starts and your cute self🩷.
Sad to have a dream you know won’t happen.
“we shall meet in the place where there is no more darkness.”
- يا لكثافتِك وأنتِ امرأةً واحِدة. How dense you are when you are one woman.
- آخر الحلول المؤسوفة التأقلم. Adaptation last unfortunate solution.
التخلي أهون من محبة باهتة Abandonment is easier than faded love
أغلب الندم ليس لأنك فعلت شيء خطأ، لأنك فعلت شيء صح للشخص الخطأ🖤🖤. Most regret is not that you did something wrong, because you did something right for the wrong person.
لا تُبرر، اترك سيء الظن يأكل نفسه 🩶🩶. Don't justify, let the unthinking eat himself.
- بداخليّ مدن هدّمت وحُروبًا تقام. Inside me, cities have been destroyed and wars are being fought.
عندما ينتهي الخوف، تبدأ المتعة. When the fear ends, the fun begins.
الشخص الحنون نجاة وحب A caring person is salvation and love.
- انا أنسحب هذهِ ليست معركتي. I quit, this is not my fight 🧡.
حافظ على الابتسامة دائماً، فهي سر السعادة.☁️🌸 Always keep a smile, it is the secret of happiness.☁️🌸
نحن وصية خير الأنبياء. We are the will of the best prophets.
“And we fall for those who are not even there to hold us”
- كُل الاشياء الحِلوه تشبَه عيُونها. All sweet things look like her eyes.
وخيراً في كل أمر تنتظره. And goodness in every matter you await.
أنا أكبر داعمة لنفسي. “I am my own biggest support.”