Thank you for treating me just as special on the days that are not our anniversary.
Not only have I seen truth in your eyes, you remind me of time itself for you are my past, present, future and forever. I love you. Happy anniversary.
Loved you then, love you still. Always have, always will.
If I had to choose again, I'd still choose you. Happy anniversary!
A lover, a partner, a husband, a best friend. I can't believe that I have all rolled into one!
Wedding anniversaries are special. Every year the important date comes and it celebrates a new set of 365 days that the couple has spent together. Of course, as not all days are the same, these 365 days consist of good and bad moments. During the good moments, the couple rejoices and thanks almighty/destiny that brought them together. On the troubling days, the couple remembers the marriage vows, how they should stay together and help each other survive the bad time. In this way, the 365 days pass.
On the day of anniversary, a married couple has much to thank and feel lucky for; the couple deeply feels that all that matters is the bond of togetherness that they still enjoy despite so many trials and tribulations.
Real relationships are when you don't have to pretend to be someone else, just to be liked for being someone you're not. Happy anniversary.
Looking at divorced couples make me feel that marriages are ephemeral. But you both have proved that marriages are truly eternal. Happy anniversary.
Some of the best memories of a couple are not just the magic of their first few kisses but the magic they create every time they kiss for the rest of their lives. Happy anniversary.
The wrinkles on your faces are not signs of how much you have aged, but how beautifully your marriage has survived the test of time. Happy anniversary.
Not a long journey, your marriage is an adventure. Not a love story, your marriage is an epic tale of romance. Not a happy ending, your marriage is a blissful loop of sweet memories. Happy wedding anniversary.
No one and nothing in this world is perfect, but the two of you are as close as it gets. Happy anniversary.
Parties, dinners and get-togethers, we have many selfish reasons to gather and wish you both a great life ahead. Happy anniversary.
The bond of a marriage can take various forms, depending on whether life is imitating calm or storms. Sometimes in can be a beautiful knot, sometimes it can be a fragile cord. Regardless of what it is, I hope your lives overflow with bliss. Happy anniversary.
The echo of your love and the sound of the sea have a few things in common, they are both constant, soulful and eternal. Happy anniversary.
Real relationships are when you can fight like enemies, laugh like best friends and love like soul mates. Happy anniversary.
Whatever you do and wherever life takes you, never underestimate the power of honesty, love and friendship. Happy anniversary.
Relationships are not about give and take, they're about share and care. Happy anniversary.
For some people, a perfect marriage is a myth, fairytale, legend, fable or false hope. But for me, it is a real thing which exists between you both. Happy anniversary.