Hugging is a silent way of saying, you matter to me. 💛🌻
We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realised they were inside us
“A day will come when you realize that turning a page is the best feeling in the world, because you will realize that there is much more in the book than that page you were stuck on.”
تظهر الأفعال ما تخفيهِ النيات. Actions reveal what intentions hide.
Normalise using words like colleague, classmates, acquaintance ,old school mate ,neighbor ,client, not everyone is your friend
- نعيش لأننا لم نستسلم. We live because we don't give up.🌕
إسعي لتكوني الأفضل دائماً. Always strive to be the best. 🦋
some people are good for the heart 🌻💛.
- حيثُ الاقليه لن تجدني في الزحام. Where the minority , you won't find me in crowds.🦋
- الأحداثُ تنتهي . . وتبقى الدُروسْ. Events end... and lessons remain.🦋
الدنيا فانية، فكُن إنسان. The world is fleeting, so be human.
من يحبك لا يرحل. Whoever loves you will not leave.
شكراً لكونك السبب خلف ابتسامتي. Thank you for being the reason I smile.
خلف كل هدوء ركاماً من الأنهيارات. Behind every calm is a pile of collapses.
تترك أثراً ناعماً أينما حلت. Leaves a soft trail wherever you go.
i have bad days and good days and on both I'm thinking of you 💗
everything is better with you everything has been better since you 🩶
نهاية بعض الأمور .. بداية. The end of some things .. the beginning.
أمتلك خلقة نكدية جميلة. I have a beautiful, grumpy disposition.
i have two sides 1. i can't eat 2. i can't stop eating