Even when I don't see, I still believe .
لا تتوقف حتى تصبح فخوراً بنفسك. Don't stop until you're proud of yourself.
لابأس، فأنا دائماً كنت بمفردي “It's okay, I was always alone.”
أنا لا أبادر، لا أعطي، لا أنتظر . I don't initiate, I don't give, I don't wait.
أينما تضعك الحياة، كن سعيداً. Wherever life puts you, be happy.
We are just looking for that once in a blue moon, everyday kind of love.
“The rough stone is inside of you, you have to find it and then polish it. it takes time and effort.”
بارعة في إفلات كل شيء . She's good at letting everything go.
May flowers grow in the saddest parts of you .
لا تتسرّع في الحُكم على الناس فقد تظلِم عزيزاً وترفع رخيصاً 💛💛. Don't rush to judge people, you may be oppressed by a loved one and raise a cheap one.
صنعني الوجع، لن أنكسر بسهوله. Pain made me, I will not break easily.
هم العابرون، أنا الأثر . They are the passersby, I am the trace.
في عقلي أنا دائماً . الأفضل. In my mind it's always me. The best.
أحتاج إلى إراحة عقلي من كُل شي. I need to rest my mind from everything.
لا يليق الدلال إلا لي. The pamper is only suitable for me.
فوضى بالداخل والظاهر هدوء. 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆, 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆.
أمراه صعبه كانُي كل القوه. Difficult woman, as if I was all powerful.
Value your peace more than people’s opinions
The most important thing is thing Most easily forgotten.
My two personalities: 1. I don't care 2. I care too much