مسجات English

مسجات English

you may be pretty and all, but if the world was blind, who would you impress?

“But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.”

لم أكن عادية ولن أكون I was not ordinary and I will never be

A person should not be judged by his psychological disorders

you will always have a home in my heart .

أريحية النفس بـ الأستغناء . Comfort yourself by letting go.

حتى وأنتِ باهتة، تلمعين. Even when you are dull, you shine.

ربي اختر لي ، ماتراه خيراً لي🤍🤍. My Lord has chosen for me, what you see as good for me.

كن هادئاً لتفهم الحياة أكثر . Be calm to understand life more.

إمرأة حرة، لا شيء يعيقني. Free woman, nothing holds me back.

“One more day has passed and like the others, it just felt Like rehearsal of the past. one more day has passed and like the others, it was the first, it was the last.”

العقل هو المظلة التي تحميك من عواصف الحياة. The mind is the umbrella that protects you from life's storms.

النجاح ليس هدفًا، بل هو رحلة مستمرة. Success is not a destination, but a continuous journey

الحياة ليست هي ما يحدث لك، بل كيف تتفاعل مع ما يحدث Life is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens

- لا تفقد الأمل هناك ألآف الأشياء الجميلة في إنتظارك 🤍 Don't lose hope, there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you🤍📮

_Only miss sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go.

النضج مكلف، لذلك هو نادر . Ripening is expensive, so it is rare.

ربما نصف كلامي في عيني. Maybe half of my words are in my eyes.

“You will be forgotten as if you’ve never existed.”

Sometimes the only way to control your emotion is to stay silent and not say anything.

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