احبك واحب عيونك اللي مستوطنه قلبي💓🦋 I love you and I love your eyes that settle in my heart.
علينا أن ننسى بطريقة ما. We have to forget somehow.
- A person who believes in himself will never be defeated . - لن يهزم شخص يؤمن بنفسه أبداً
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
A person who chooses their brain over their heart always wins.
أنا الأفضل والأقوى، دائماً. I am the best and strongest, always.
الأمان أولاً، ثم بقية المشاعر . Safety first, then the rest of the feelings.
هي قطعةُ سُكّر في مجتمعٌ مُر She is a piece of sugar in a bitter society
سألمعُ في ذاكرتِكَ الى الأبد. I will shine in your memory forever.
عالم مستفز بشكل لا يطاق. An incredibly provocative world.
Just remember 💕 : You deserve someone who’s excited to talk to you , to get to know you , to love you fully .
A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends. Niki Lauda
لم أعد لطيفة مع أحد. I am no longer nice to anyone.🩷
أنا بين اليأس واللابأس. Not all companions are companions.
لم يكن يستحق نصف ما فعلته. He didn't deserve half of what I did.
أمتلاك الوعي خسارة للحياة . Having awareness is a loss of life.
- كل ما في الأمر أن النجاح يحتاج لمحاولات ! محاولات مستمرة لاتتوقف💪 All in the matter is that success needs attempts Constant attempts Do not stop.
كان الأمر عاديًا، أنا من جعلته مشهدًا مقدسًا. It was normal, I made it a sacred sight.
أنا الخير ، والشر معاً. I am good and evil together.🦋
أتظاهر أني بخير ولكني متعب. I pretend to be fine but I'm tired.