He gives me a rose, and he is the rose of my life 🩷 .
- مهما تعثرت ما زالت الحَياة تُقدِّم فُرص، ومهما أخذت منك الحَياة فهي كُل يوم تعطيك أملًا جديدًا، ومهمَا خسرت وفشلت وحزنت وتعثرت، لا تيأس أبدً💪⚡️ No matter how much you stumble, life offers opportunities, no matter how much you take from you, you bring, no matter how much you lose, fail, grieve and stumble, never give up.
One day, you'll be at the place you always wanted to be.
It's okay rest your soul No one deserves .
لا أحب التساوي، أحب التميز . Don't like equality, I like excellence.
حتى إنهم يغتابون هدوئك. They even gossip about your calmness.
إمرأة يقطف الورد من قلبها . A woman picks roses from her heart.
Remember, you are the artist of your own life. Don't hand the paintbrush to anyone else.
I belong to quick, futile moments of intense feeling. Yes, I belong to moments - not to people.
الحب ليس امتلاكًا، بل حرية—أن تترك شخصًا يكون ذاته، يُمارِس حقيقته، وينمو، ويزدهر بينما تقف إلى جانبه خلال ذلك كلّه “Love isn’t possession. It’s freedom—letting someone be, grow, and flourish while standing by their side”
Darkness decorated stars fill her soul each evening
ليست صديقتي فقط إنما ضوء في عمري. She is not only my friend , but a light in my life.
Don't rely on social media Put it down Turn it off Shut up Be quiet Learn Read Relax Get better First part of your life you learn Second part of your life, you earn Third part of your life you return
The calmer you are the clearer you think let your decisions come from a peace of peace not from reaction
قلوب البشر، تظهر في أعينهم . Human hearts appear in their eyes.
I am no longer young… My life has passed like a ripple in water.
- Keep your soul clean , it shows on the outside .
عزة النفس أولًا، وثانياً وثالثاً. Self-esteem first, second and third.
i've never been good at telling people how i feel, but you made me want to try..
and the humans, what can they do but burn﹖