مسجات English

مسجات English

I tried to write your name in the rain But the rain never came So I made with the sun.

I’m forever caught between saying too much and not saying enough.

كن قليل الكلام ، وكثير التجاهل. Be less talkative, and more ignorant.

تبقى التفوس الخبيثة خبيثة ولو اعطيتها من الود أطنانا 💛💛. Malignant phosus remains malignant even if you give it tons of friendliness.

ضع يدك في يدي وعاهدني نمضي معاً عمراً بأگمله🧡🧡. Put your hand in my hand and promise me to spend a lifetime with his time.

ستفشل مراراً وتكراراً ولكن حاول، كن قوياً ولا تيأس أبدا🌸☁️ You will fail again and again but try, be strong and never give up  🌸☁️

- It is bad for a person to get used to pain. - من السيءِ أن يعتادَ المرءُ على الألم 🖤.

I think it's beautiful how a star's light travels the universe, long after it dies. That's what I want to be in this world someone whose light lingers on after I'm gone. - John Mark Green

You never know all of a person; you only know them in a specific moment of time.

عندما لا تهتم ، تنجح. When you don't care, you succeed.

Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. ‏مهما كان هدفك ، يمكنك الوصول إليه إذا كنت على استعداداً للعمل ..💛

When u finally accept that not everything is meant to last forever >>

Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is to be easy on yourself.

“We never realize how frozen we are until someone starts to melt our ice.”

لا تستسلم أبداً مهما كانت ظروف الحياة، ربما تتعثر ولكن انهض، قد تخطئ، يمكنك أن تصحح🌸☁️ Never give up, no matter what life circumstances are. You may stumble, but get up. You may err. You can make a correction.🌸☁️

المزاجية .. لعنة الجميلات. Moodiness .. the curse of beauties.

أحفُظ مَشاعرك لشخص مناسب. Save your feelings for the right person.

أينما تضعك الحياة، أشرق بالجمال💛✨ Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.

إنها أمرأء لا يمكن وصفها. She is an indescribable woman.

مسكت يدك حُب ثاني والف شعور🖤🖤. I held your hand with a second love and a thousand feelings.

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