مسجات English

مسجات English

“How difficult it is to be simple.”

كل  يوم  تزيّد  قناعتي  ان  البعد  عن  الناس  راحَه Every day, my conviction increases that the distance from people is comfortable

أنت داخل نصوصي ؛ كلها ليتك تقرأ . You are inside my text; All I wish you would read.

تدين وتدان على حلو فعلك ومره You condemn and condemn your sweet and bitter action

“It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

ابتسم وإنسى الجميع. Smile and forget everyone.

أُنثى من نسل الفراشات. A female descendant of butterflies.

لا شيء يعادل فكرة أن تكون ممتلئا بنفسك ، ومحاطاً بالأشياء التي تحب ، غارقاً في عالمك برفقة نفسك🌸☁️ Nothing compares to the idea of ​​being full of yourself, surrounded by the things you love, immersed in your own world with yourself.🌸☁️

ضع يدك في يدي وعاهدني نمضي معاً عمراً بأگمله 🤍🤍. Put your hand in my hand and promise me to spend a lifetime together with his hope.

- كل شخص يُخطئ، لايوجد شخص كامل. Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect.

Sometimes you don’t get what you want because you deserve better.

‏والإنسان علته الإنسان. “And man is caused by man.”

but she is my beautiful lady and the most beauty girl i have ever seen.

لا تثق مرة أخرى في نفس الشخص الذي إستباح جرحك ، الطباع دائماً لا تتغير🤎🤎. Don’t trust again the same person who hurt your wound, the character always doesn’t change.

وجودك أجمَل شي حبه قلبي ورضا فيه 🩶🩶. Your presence is the most beautiful thing that my heart loves and satisfaction in it.

The question isn’t “can you handle the situations?” The question is “can you handle your mind? Can you manage the thoughts and the emotions that are trying to poison your progress?”

Gratitude, kindness and caring are more powerful than any problem you think you have.

Learn to accept rather than expect, and you'll have far fewer disappointments.

Consistency creates habit and our habits shape our life.

أُمرأة جميلة بمزاج سيء. A beautiful woman in a bad mood.

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