كل ما هو متبادل لطيف. Everything that is mutual is nice.
- Our meeting wasn't a coincidence, it was a mercy from God to my heart. - لم يكن لقائنا صدفة، كان رحمةً من اللهِ لِقلبي 🖤.
- I love you like a child that saw an innocent wish in you. - أحبكِ كطفلٍ رأى فيك أمنيةً بريئة 🖤.
سيَدة المزاج الحاد🪐. The lady of the intense mood.
And to take a path that comforts us instead of another path that we love, and we love.
“Despite knowing the journey and Where it leads, I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it.
A life of peace and quiet is all i ask for.
Life is a war against despair. - الحياة حرب ضد اليأس.
المواقف تبين معدن الشخص. Attitudes show a person's character.
Don't fight every time to save a feeling, learn to say goodbye.
مادُمتَ تنوي الخَير، فأنتَ بِخّير🤍🔓 You have not intended to be good, you are good
If you are : - Overthinking = write - Stressed = go for a walk - Anxious = meditate - Angry = listen to quran - Lazy = reduce a screen time - Sad = exercise
أستشعري عظمتك ، فأنتِ أمرأة . Feel your greatness, you are a woman.
The most beautiful thing the eye can see ♥️🥹
وقتي معك جبر خاطري ويرضيه حتى الثواني معك تسرني الف مره 🤎🤎. My time is with you, may my mind and satisfy him, even the seconds with you make me happy a thousand times.
مافيش احلي من إنك تختار نفسك وراحتك وبس . It’s about time to choose yourself.
- I am a moody woman who does not like eternity ؛ I may love you today And tomorrow it will become a forgotten moment🤍✨
حب النفس شيء عظيم . 💫 Self-love is a great thing.
- Your attempts to make me happy are my happiness itself. - محاولاتكَ لتسعدني هي سَعادتي بحدِ ذاتها 🖤.
- You're all I see and all of what I want to see. - أنتَ كلُّ ما أرى و كلُّ ما أريدُ أن أرى 🖤.