فلنبدأ من جديد وكأننا لم نفشل قط.😁💪 “Let's start again as if we had never failed.”
- Pain teaches us the most difficult lessons in life. - يدرس لنا الألمُ أقسى دروسِ الحياة 🖤.
- No matter how good you become, you won't be able to act for your entire life. - مهما بلغتَ من الاتقان، لن تستطيع التمثيلَ مدى الحياة 🖤.
ابتسم دائماً، حتى يحتار الناس في فهمك. Always smile, so that people get confused about understanding you.
اجعل حياتكَ قصةً تستحقُ أن تروى. Make your life a story worth telling.
فكر بِـ كيفَ ستنتهي الأشياء قبل أن تبدأها. Think about how things will end before you start them.
الثقه تُكسب ، ولا تُعطى. Trust is earned, not given.💙
- There is no moon on earth like the one in your eyes. - و ليس في الأرض قمراً كذاكِ الذي في عينيك 🖤.
- You aren't always before my eyes, but you are all I see. - لستَ دائماً أمام عيني، ولكنكَ كلُّ ما أرى 🖤.
Little things really mean a lot to me .
لستِ بيتنا لماذا كلما أضعت الطريق جئتُ اليكِ🫀♥️؟ You're not our home why do i come to you every time you get lost🫀♥️?
غنائم المرء تجاربه. The spoils of one's experiences.
تبدأ الحياة حيثما ينتهي الخوف. Life begins where fear ends.
Alone had always felt like an actual place to me, as if it weren’t a state of being, but rather a room where I could retreat to be who I really was .. — Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail
- You are what I love and everything I love. - أنت ما أحبُ وكلُّ ما أحب 🖤.
أنتِ الاعجاب والعجب. You are admiration And the wonder.
أحيانا أريد فقط أن أكون بعيداً عن كل شيء . Sometimes I just want to get away from it all.
الأسلوب الطيب رزق. A good attitude is a livelihood.
Some memories are realities,and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again.
I am a man from the good old time. - أنا رجٌل من الزمَن الجميل .