It is awful to want to go away and to want to go nowhere.
هذه المره لن أعود ، أعدك. This time I won't come back, I promise.
They were great at the beginning of the story only at the beginning!
صحيح أن رحلة النجاح شاقة ، والطريق طويل ، لكن بإمكاننا أن نستمتع في الطريق إن أردنا ذلك ، بالشغف ، والإصرار🎨💫. It is true that the journey to success is arduous and the road is long, but we can have fun on the road if we want it with passion and determination🎨💫.
- I wish to find a happy ending after all I've been through. - أتمنى أن أجدَ نهايةً سعيدةً بعدَ كلِّ ما مررتُ به 🖤.
- It is foolish to regret something that has already ended. - من الغباءَ أن تندم على شيءٍ انتهى بالفعل 🖤.
- Don't be sad that God is with us. - لا تحزن، إن الله معنا 🖤.
- If you aren't brave, don't even think about success. - إن لم تكن شجاعاً، فـ لا تفكر بالنجاح حتى 🖤.
لن يدوم ما بنا للأبد!. What we have will not last forever!.
Loyalty is rare. if you find it keep it. - الإخلاص نـادر إن وجدته احتفظ به.
الحنية ضماد الروح. Kindness is the bandage of the soul.
كن لمن يستحقك فقط. Be only for those who deserve you.
Don't promise when you're happy. Do not reply when you're angry and do not decide when you're sad.
Separation is painful, but so is its opposite. And if being together brings joy, then it is only proper that separation should do the same in its own way.
إمرأة لا تعرف الهزيمة. A woman who does not know defeat.
لا بأسَ بأن تعيشَ حياةً لا يفهمها الآخرون. It s okay to live a life others don t understand.
Nothing takes more courage than putting yourself back together again - The Better Man Project
ما زرع الله في قلبك رغبة الوصول إلى امر معين ، إلا وهو يعلم أنك ستصل.🌸☁️ Allah never planted in your heart the desire to achieve a certain thing unless He knew that you would achieve it.🌸☁️
- Respect doesn't always work, cruelty is necessary sometimes. - الإحترام لا ينفعُ دائماً، القسوة ضرورية أحياناً 🖤.
- Life may be bad, but people are worse. - قد تكونُ الحياةُ سيئة، ولكنَ البشرَ أسوء 🖤.