مسجات English

مسجات English

- Life may be bad, but people are worse. - قد تكونُ الحياةُ سيئة، ولكنَ البشرَ أسوء 🖤.

كن الصياد ، لا تكن الفريسة. Be the hunter, don't be the prey.

We both know I wasn't the villain of our story . But if you want to play victim now , I'll be just the monster you need

- لقد كنت عابرًا، فما الذي أبقاك بي. you were wayfarer , so what kept you with me.

أن تكون حياً هو أندرُ شيءٍ في العالم، أغلبُ الناس موجودون فقط، و هذا كلُّ شيء. To be alive is the rarest thing in the world, most people only exist and that s all.

محاولاتكَ لتسعدني هي سَعادتي بحدِ ذاتها. Your attempts to make me happy are my happiness itself.

انا أحلمُ كثيراً، و لكن أحلامي دائماً تنتهي بالظلام. I dream alot, but my dreams always end with darkness.

أمرأة صعبة كأني كل القوة. Woman difficult like all strength.

You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.

Life has made me so quiet.. I just wanna listen No more talking No more arguing No more explaining Just silence…

كن صبوراً لتصنع حياتك. Be patient to create your own life.

فتاة ذات المزاج المُتضارب. A girl with a conflicting mood.

I know you see me lookin' at you and you already know

لم نخلق لنكون عاجزين. We were not created to be helpless.

‏يأتي باللين ما يأتي بالقهر، ولا يأتي بالقهر ما يأتي باللين. ― محيي الدين بن عربي Gentleness can achieve what coercion can achieve, whereas coercion cannot achieve what gentleness can. ― Ibn Arabi

Leave the world aside'and have a coffee

- It gets easier when you ignore. - يصبحُ الأمرُ أسهلَ حين تتجاهل 🖤.

- There are memories that the human rejects to admit them even to his own self. - هنالك ذكرياتٌ يرفضُ الإنسانُ أن يعترف بها لنفسهِ حتى 🖤.

- What I was late to understand is that each person lives for their self. - ما تأخرتُ في فهمِه كان أن كلٌّ يعيشُ لنفسه 🖤.

I came across a quote that said: If you went back and fixed all the mistakes you've ever made, you would erase yourself and that's all I've ever needed to hear

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