حين نتغاضى، لا تتمادوا . When we ignore, do not persist.
I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.
دائما أنا القوه لذاتي. I am always the strength for myself.
- تائِهة في بحر نَفسي، من شِدة العمقِ غرقت. Lost in the sea of my soul, I sank from the extreme depth.
- لا ينسى الإنسان جرحًا أصابه من كلمة. A person never forgets a wound he inflicted with a word.
الحياة حرب ضد اليأس Life is a war against despair.
إنا دائماً أظهر ما لا أشعر به. I always show what I don't feel.
يُصاب الإنسان بأنسان أخر . A person infects another person.
If you live, live free, or die like standing trees. - ان عشت فعش حرا او مت كالأشجار وقوفا 💚.
“I have my madness, I live in another dimension and i don’t have time for things that have no soul.”
Maybe it’s not about happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story.
all the hardships a person had to face none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting
It's silly not to hope. It's a sin he thought.
الأيام الصعبة هي التي تصنعك. ✨ Difficult days are what make you.
نحن لم نخلق للضعـف. We were not created for weakness.
الم الأمس قوة اليوم Yesterday's pain is today's strength
- اقف مع الجميعِ و اسقط وحدي. I stand with everyone and fall alone.
- ليس حزنًا ، إنما شيئًا ثقيلًا يجعل قلبي يختنق. Not sadness, but something heavy that makes my heart suffocate.
أنا لنفسي قبل أن أكون لأحد. I am for myself before I am for anyone.
أقاوم شعور أقوى مني. I resist feeling stronger than me.