- حَذرٌ شَديد بعدَ أمانْ مُفرط. Extreme caution after excessive safety.
- The messenger of love , found love every where 💞.
من يتغير ببطئ ، لا يعود . He who changes slowly, does not return.
نقص الأهتمام يضيع الحب. Lack of attention loses love.
we hurt our own feelings by thinking we mean more to people than we really do
لا تلجأ لغير نفسك. 🤍 Do not resort to anyone but yourself.
الفوز ليس بالوصول أولاً. Winning is not about coming first.
لم يبق عندي ما يبترّه الألم. I have nothing left to relieve the pain.
- لا اشبه ولا أتشبه أنا أنا حتى لو لم يلفتك ذلك . - It's not like I'm me even if that doesn't ruin you.
مميزة ومتألقة لا تشبه الا ذاتها . It's very special and bright.
- أنتِ التي تجعلين الدار مزهرة وأنتِ مـטּ تمنحين للورد ألوانًا - You're the one who makes the house blossom and you're the one giving the Lord colors.
- أنثى مُحاطة بتفاصيل مَنسوبة للرِّقة - A female with detailed details of the condo
︎It's very special and bright 💥.
وجهاً أرق مِـن الورد 🪐. A face more delicate than roses.
الأهتمام علاج كل شي. Attention is the cure for everything.
- Don't to regret what has already ended. - لا تندم على ما انتهى بالفعل 🤍.
If it makes you happy it doesn’t have to make sense to others.
don't let my silence wound you, I'm just tired of words.
IF you’re seen it all. Close your eyes.
“My soul is made up of hopeless dreams, long, silent walks in winter.“