There will always be a person who looks like a poem earth wrote to keep you alive.
“How sad that everything has to change, yet what a relief, too”
- I am bright, to the extent that cannot be seen 🤍.
إمراة مُثيرة للَـعظمة. An exciting woman for greatness.
أنثى تحب الأستثناء. A woman who loves exception.
إسعى لتكون الأفضل دائماً. Always strive to be the best.
القلوب برغم البعد تتصل. Hearts despite the distance connect.
فريدة الوصف، فاتنة الملامح. Unique description, charming features.
الأفعال أفضل من الوعود “Actions are better than promises”
يبدو أن أحدهم محظوظاً بي. Looks like someone got lucky with me.
Dear skin, we don’t have much time left. Please do your magic. I need to be looking extra bomb this Eid.
“There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.”
And it’s fine to fake it until you make it until you do, Until it’s true.
أنت في حياة مؤقتة لذلك لا تهتم. You are in a temporary life so don't care.
Eid Mubarak guys .
Remember, some things have to end for better things to begin with.
المع وإن أضلمت طرقي. Shine even if my ways are dark.
نعم، أنتِ العيد والباقون أيام. Yes, you are the Eid and the rest are days.
ما العيدُ إلا ضِحكُهم وحديثهم ، ما العيدُ إلا رؤيَةُ الأحبابِ. Eid is nothing but their laughter and conversation ، Eid is nothing but seeing loved ones.
وأقبلَ العيدُ بالأفراحِ مُنتشيًا ،يا فرحةَ العيدِ زوري كل أحبابي The Eid came with joy and excitement O joy of Eid, visit all my loved ones.