مسجات English

مسجات English

‏ورثت كبرياء يجعلني أترك الكثير . I inherited pride makes me leave a lot.

But how can you understand, when I don’t myself. I’ve never understood anything about it, except that one day long ago I found I could no longer call my soul my own.. - Eugene O'Neill

أنهض، لا يليق بك الضعف. Get up, weakness does not suit you.

“Sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you stronger it doesn’t build character. It only hurts.”

Fall in love with the process of becoming the very best version of yourself.

أمرأة لا تقبل إلا النصر . A woman who only accepts victory.

الخيبة تجعلك أكثر قوة. Disappointment makes you stronger.

كل صديق لصديقه ، موطن. Every friend to his friend, home .

أنـا أمـرأة النـار والـثلج معـاً. I am a woman of fire and ice together.

شعور بالأشمئزاز من كل شيء. Feeling disgusted by everything.

كثرة الأبتعاد أنتصار. Too much distancing is a victory.

- لا أستطيع تأديب قلبي لاتركك وشأنك. i can't discipline my heart to leave you alone.

- أنتِ أكثر ما يستحقه المرء في حياته. You are what a person deserves most in his life 🍓.

لا أحد يستحق أن يستحقك مرتين. No one deserves to deserve you twice.

- We're nothing but lovers that are meant to not be together. - لسنا إلَّا عشاقاً قُدِرَ لهم أن لا يكونوا معاً 💙.

لست عظيمه، لكني أثق أنني مختلفة. I'm not great, but I'm sure I'm different.

• لَا تَتَعَمَّق كَثِيرًا مَعَ النَّاس، الغُمُوض رَاحَة. • Don t get too deep with people, mystery is good.

- بجانبي، لكن لا أشعرُ بوجودك. By my side, but I don't feel your presence.

“We all grew up and did the things we said we’d never do.”

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”

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