People's hearts, appear in their eyes.
الدنيا فانية.. خليك طيب!. The world is fleeting.. Be good!.
الهزيمةُ ليستَ النهاية، بل هي بدايةُ طريقٍ جديد 🩵. - Defeat is not the end, it's the beginning of a new path.
خلقتِ لتكوني فراشة حرة. You were created to be a free butterfly.
أحب الوضوح، مهما كانت النتائج. I like clarity, whatever the results.
مَطرح ما تلاقي ضحكتك ، إبني بيت وأُسكن فيه •✨ Wherever you find your laugh, build a house and live in it .
“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”
“Our suffering is caused by holding on to how things might have been, should have been, could have been.”
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
“Time has flown, and I have not flown with it.”
افعل ما تريد فمن يريدك ارادك باللذي تكن Do what you want, whoever wants you wants you for who you are.
نَستحقُ أنْ يُسعَى إلِينا! 🩵. We deserve to be sought out! .
إلى أحدهم ، أنت جميعهم. To one of them, you are all of them.
“ She belongs to the flower “
- لا تحزن، إن الله معنا ✨. - Don't be sad that God is with us.
ملامحنا بتحلو لما بنكون مبسوطين مع ناس بنحبها . Our profiles are dessert for bankers. With people we love.
أمرأة مثلي دائماً تربح . A woman like me always wins.
There is a reason why i keep it all inside because i have “Only me” to listen my words.
“And if happiness visits you again, do not remember it’s previous betrayal. Enter into the happiness,and burst.”
أما بعد؛ ليس بعدي بعد. “As for after; not yet after me.”