مسجات English

مسجات English

أنا، ثم ذاتي، ثم لا شيء. I, then myself, then nothing.

I will not beg you for your time or try to convince you to choose me, the world is too big and I have too much to offer..

‏المبالغة بالأشخاص دائماً نهايتها خيبة. Exaggerating people always ends in disappointment.

كن بسيطاً، فإن البساطة بذاتها جمالاً .‌‌ Be simple, simplicity is beauty in itself.

﮼والطف من الورد مرورك علىٰ البال🌸 ✨. And gently of roses you pass on bal .

أنا القوية التي يصعب كسرها. I am strong and difficult to break.

حاول أن تكون ضوئاً لا ينطفئ. Try to be a light that does not go out.

Sometimes we say “bye” to hear “stay” .

أنا، لا أقع، لدي أجنحة في روحي. I,don't,fall,I have wings in my soul.

The past is considered a lesson, not a failure that our life stops at.

In the best conversations, you dont even remember what you talked about, only how it felt.

Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

عسى الأيام تداري خواطرنا. May the days take care of our thoughts.

أعرف من أنا ، و أُحب من أكون . Know who I am, and I love who I am.

O God, a path not narrowed by life and a heart that does not lose hope.

يليق بكّ أن تكوني امرأة برتبة فراشة. It befits you to be a woman of the rank of butterfly.

روحي مليئة بالألوانِ كجناحِ فَراشةٍ. My soul is full of colors like the wings of a butterfly.

امرأة بجَمالِ قَصِيدَة وخِفّة فرَاشة. A woman with the beauty of a poem and the lightness of a butterfly.

Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am home again

“The best revenge is not to take revenge, move on, be happy, find inner peace✨.”

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