مسجات English

مسجات English

Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am home again

“The best revenge is not to take revenge, move on, be happy, find inner peace✨.”

“ See the light in others , and treat them as if that is all you see .”

وكنا دائماً نعود إلا هذه المرة We always came back except this time.

- Even if the days won't bring us together, the memories will do. - حتى و إن لم تجمعنا الأيام، ستجمعنا الذكريات 🤎.

You have the sweetest soul I have ever seen

أميل للرقة في كل شيء. 🌹 I tend to be gentle in everything.

وأنتهت أخر ذرة من المشاعر . And the last shred of feelings ended.

برفقتكِ، الحياة تلين . With your company, life becomes soft.

••• You are very strong, because you chose to walk, keeping your chest burns, did not allow anyone to pity you, nor to reach out to you ‏ أنت قويّ جداً، لأنك اخترت السير محتفظاً بحرقة صدرك، ولم تسمح لأحدٍ أن يلقي عليك نظرة شفقة،ولا أن يمد يده إليك.🖤🗞

هدوء لكِن ضجة أفكار لا متناهية Quiet but “endless noise of thoughts“

- Even if I got over everything that hurts me, I'm not what I used to be.

While there is Life there is Hope!✨.

“ just drink coffee, no matter what’s going in your mind ”

ربحت نفسي ، لايهم من رحل . I won myself, it doesn't matter who left.

هذه اليقظة كان ثمنها قلبّي. This vigilance cost my heart.

Be real , not perfect .

تشبهكِ كل الأشياء الرقيقة. 🦋 All delicate things resemble you.

سكينة المرءِ مع نفسه. A person’s peace of mind with himself.

All I want right now is a good cup of coffee

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